Every thot, every feeling and every observation that moves or inspires...

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

ADHD or not ADHD

Differing opinions from doctors can be very confusion for anyone dealing with medical or psychological conditions. My son was first diagnosed with ADHD by a child psychologist and was later re-diagnosed as normal by a pediatrician. He said it was his expert opinion my son did not have ADHD. Why? Simply because my son did not display the classic symptoms of a child with ADHD. According to the doctor, my son would have bounced up and down in his clinic that was filled with toys and interesting objects. My son instead sat quietly on the chair waiting to be diagnosed.

As much as I was relieved to hear that, I do question the manner in which he diagnosed my son. It was a quick 10-minute observation. I do agree he was well behaved at the clinic but it was due to the fact that it was a new environment, a new doctor starring at him and well, everything was new, thus the quiet composure.

After reading so much about ADHD and the symptoms, I was quite sure my son has it. Especially, the part on being impulsive. There are many other signs too like excessive talking, lack of attention, hyperactivity, temper tantrums and many more. These 'symptoms' as they call it, are consistent everyday.

So, I am still not sure if the second opinion is right or for that matter even the first one. You see how confusing it is? You think by going to a doctor, you will at least be sure of the answer. Perhaps I should go for 5 opinions and weigh my decision on the number of 'Yes ADHD' or 'No ADHD'. The one with the most will determine my child's condition.

I guess when he was diagnosed with ADHD for the first time, I felt at ease not because I have an excuse. But I felt I understood why he behaved in a certain way. Even he could not help his situation. It was no longer about bad parenting or having deprived him of love. I was sad yet not surprised but at the same time, I was quickly trying to move into my next step - research and help my son overcome this condition. I was determined to get him on track - with new diet, exercise and natural healing techniques.

Nothing has changed, the new diet plan and new yoga exercise is in progress. Still no signs of improvement but I am confident with consistency in the programme, undivided attention and with all the love and care, he will overcome whatever condition he is in today. ADHD or not...

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